Time stands still for me, for just a brief moment....Outside the window of my tiny grandson's home, the cars continue to whiz by. I hear the sounds of children hurrying to get home after a day at school. There is a sound of an emergency vehicle in the distance and all the world seems to going by at a very fast pace.But at this precious moment of quiet, and an acute awareness of perhaps grasping at the hem of my Savior's robe, I breathe deeply, allowing my senses of touch and smell to fill my heart with joy!
He smells so good in my arms, this precious baby sleeping against my face. He lies quietly, belly full of his Mama's milk, clean diaper and heavy eyelids, this grandson of mine. At times like this I simply enjoy smelling the sweet baby-smell of this child who came from his mother's womb, who came from mine. Seems like it was yesterday that cradled HER in my arms. Where has the time gone?
It's in the quietness that I am learning to experience "the holy". This moment was truly a holy one and I fully worshiped as I held him in my arms. I worshiped The One who created him in his mother's womb, this little one, fearfully and wonderfully made.
I also pondered in my heart how trusting he was to rest so peacefully in my arms. He wasn't concerned about where his next meal would come from, or if someone would remember to meet the needs of a dry diaper and a clean sleeper. He was filled and he was satisfied.
My Heavenly Father desires the same kind of relationship with me - trusting, resting, and filled with His grace.
For a sweet moment in time, as I breathed deeply, I experienced "the holy". I have been blessed.

The Farmers' Market, where we sell produce is still in full swing! Our market doesn't end until November 19th, and we will still have plenty of certified organic produce to sell there - from sweet potatoes all the way to delicious salad greens!
Here you can see a little variety of what we have to offer there. I took time to decorate our stand with autumn leaves and fall flowers.
Grandson, Braeden (who sells his own radishes) helps his Papa (Husband) sell the produce. He is quite knowledgeable in answering questions about produce and how to prepare the different things.
We have five different types of gourmet heritage garlic to sell now: four hard neck and one soft neck varieties. There is nothing quite like fresh garlic in one's food.
The market takes a lot of time away from my home chores. Besides helping harvest, clean, sort and pack the produce during the week, I try to fit in as much canning as I can. Of course the laundry and housework keep coming too and demand my attention.
I help homeschool three of my grandchildren one day a week - to teach art every other week, and babysit for two more, one day, every other week. I also lead women's Bible studies in my home and volunteer for Hospice. No one can say that I sit idle very long at my house!
We harvested the last of our produce today. The four wheeler is loaded with peppers in all colors. I picked the last of the sweet and hot peppers so that I can dehydrate some and freeze some. I picked the last of the celery for dehydrating for my soups this winter, and enough broccoli for one more little serving. The white tubs contain the last of the white potatoes that still needed dug and one final watermelon to sneak in for one last taste of summer.
Here is a cute picture of some of my grandsons from yesterday's events. The oldest one had his face painted at the Farmers' Market so of course, the littler ones needed theirs painted too, so this Grammy got out her paints and quickly satisfied their desire to look like tigers. We took our "tigers" to a potluck dinner with some friends and they looked pretty cute with their painted faces.
The leaves are falling like snow now. Won't be long before the winter winds start blowing and the temperatures will really drop. I am thankful for a wood pile, a pantry stuffed with ample produce to get us through until the next garden season and memories of warmer days to get us through the long, cold winter.
Until next time..... Blessings to you and yours.